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The latest result of the project is now available RESTART: Position Paper and Mainstreaming Guidelines

Restart   Programa Erasmus +

The RESTART project is about to successfully complete its two-year implementation trajectory, during which valuable results have been developed, such as the Open Educational Resources Platform, the RESTART Model, or the Training and Tools, as well as many other parallel activities.

All these results have contributed to achieving the objectives of the RESTART project to update and improve the system of entrepreneurship and vocational training according to the "new normality", supporting SMEs and their workers, and especially microenterprises, in improving their skills and competencies in the areas that reflect market needs, promoting knowledge transfer and the adaptation of their business models.

To culminate the results of the project, the RESTART consortium has developed the Position Paper and the Mainstreaming Guidelines, which represent the operational climate of RESTART and seek to amplify and maximize the impact of the project at the systemic level, while deepening and broadening its scope. This final outcome is aimed especially at policy makers and practitioners in the EU vocational education and training ecosystem, as well as other stakeholders who may develop similar initiatives that bring added value at the European level.

These guidelines are now available in the project languages, and can be found at

Find out more about the RESTART project at

This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the preparation and publication of this press release does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
